Masterdiver & Specialties
Speciality courses are designed to improve divers’ skills, expand their knowledge, and enable them to specialize in certain subjects within the diving world.
These fascinating short courses, lasting 1-2 days, consist of underwater activities specific to the particular speciality.
Once you have completed 3 speciality courses in addition to the Rescue Diver+ Emergency First Response courses and deep diver course, and 72 looged dives, you will have the opportunity to apply for the prestigious Master Scuba Diver certification.
Before reserving courses, we recommend you to read the Requirements for certified diving in Israel
Diving Specialties
Dive Propulsion Vehicle
Learning diving techniques with a DPV while increasing the distance you cover during your dive. Practicing buoyancy control, DPV handling, maintenance, and general safety.
Underwater Naturalist
Learning about and identifying the various species that live in the Red Sea and techniques for responsible diving without interfering with or harming the marine life and the coral reef.
Night Diver
Developing the skills and knowledge required to correctly plan and perform night dives, including communication, navigation, and interacting with the nocturnal species of the coral reef.
Underwater Navigator
Study and practice of underwater navigation methods, orientation principles in unfamiliar sites, methods of gauging distance underwater, natural navigation, and the use of additional equipment.
Underwater Photographer
In this speciality, we will learn the basic principles of photography and how to implement them underwater. Subjects: uderstanding the elements required for correct exposure, the basis for successful photographs, getting to know the limitations and unique factors of underwater photography and how to deal with them correctly and more.
Deep Diver
The Deep Diver Speciality course gives the diver an in-depth understanding and knowledge of planning procedures, organizational techniques, problem-solving methods, and risks, while also enabling him to enjoy diving to depths of 18-40m.
Certification in this speciality is an entry requirement for technical courses such as Discover Tec Diving and Tec Deep Diver.
Peak Performance Buoyancy
Refreshing knowledge of buoyancy methods and practice in different environmental conditions to improve confidence in the water. Buoyancy control combined with correct swimming and breathing methods for improved results, and diving in changing conditions. After this speciality you will never have bouyancy problems again!
Wreck Diver
During this speciality you will be learning how to plan dives that penetrate into wrecks, including the use of special equipment for penatration and how to dive with extra air for “just in case”.
If your dream is to discover what happens inside a wreck this specialty is for you.
Rescue Diver Course+ EFR
The Rescue Diver and Emergency First Response (EFR) courses are an important step in order to continue to the advanced diving levels, such as Divemaster and Tec Diver. The activities cover topics such as stressful situations and self-rescue, managing emergency situations and emergencies involving equipment, dealing with panicked or fatigued divers, and the correct response depending on the environment, shore, or boat.
Enriched Air Nitrox (EAN)
In this specialty you will learn the advantages of diving with enriched air, necessary equipment, dive planning, gas calcualtions and more.
The advantages of using EAN are many. Longer bottom time, shorter surface intervals, safer and cleaner gas to breath, less fatigue at the end of diving day, and is the best way to prevent suffereing from Decompression Sickness.
Further Information
Suitable For
Depends on the course
Certified divers who meet the requirements for certified diving in Israel
A health decleration is required
Aged 45 and older will need additional medical forms
More Info
The EFR and EAN courses are a prerequisit to Rescue and Deep courses, and are not counted as elegible for the Master Diver level
In case you own an EFR certificate from the last two years, you can check with us if it qualifies to the SDI standards
You can fly before diving, flying is strictly prohibited for 18 hours following a day of diving
Special prices for accommodation at Isrotel Yam Suf hotel for our divers
Payment Terms
Upon reservation please provide a credit card number for deposit, payment upon arrival by cash or credit card
What to bring
Diver cards, dive insurance, dive log- you can read more here, and also swimsuit, towel, flip flops and payment method
Why Manta?
Supervised Dive Center
By the Israeli Diving Authority
Free Parking
In the sandy area adjacent to the club
Free Wi-Fi
At the dive center & hotel
Charging Cells
Lockers with a power outlet for your use
Public Area
Extensive and comfortable
Efficent Check-in
Easy and quick registration
Hotel Accommodation
Special price for our divers
Payment Terms
Friendly & Flexible
At the Coral Beach
Food & Beverages
A variety of restaurants in the area
Washing Pools
Two structured pools for your use
Three Classrooms
Air-conditioned and equipped
Separate bathrooms
Modern and separate by gender
Spacious storage, including lock
Training can be coordinated in a variety of languages
Continuously & thoroughly
Private Pool
For training
International Organization
SDI 5 star diving center
Isrotel's high standards
Dive sites and fish identification maps
Other things we thought would be of interest to you
Guided Dives
Every day, diving is led by an instructor to the beautiful dive sites of Eilat
Masterdiver and Specialties
Designed to improve divers’ skills, expand knowledge, and to specialize in certain subjects within the diving world
Requirements for Diving in Israel
A brief summary of the diving laws and regulations applied here in Israel for certified divers