
Publication Authorization Form

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Publication Authorization Form

    During the various dives and courses offered by the Manta Isrotel Diving Center, we photograph and/or film the participants for promotional purposes, and we would therefore appreciate your consent to appear in these photographs and/or video footage. 1. By signing, I authorize the Isrotel hotel chain to use all photographs and/or video footage in which I appear.2. I am aware that the Isrotel hotel chain may use the raw images and/or raw video footage for an indefinite period and in any media, including the chain's website and other promotional material.3. I am aware that the raw images and/or raw video footage taken, as well as the photographs and/or video footage produced as a result, are protected by copyright laws and are the sole property of Isrotel, and I will not take any legal or financial action whatsoever regarding such material.
  • If the form is for a minor under the age of 18, add his name in the designated place and fill in the details of the parent / guardian later in the form.
  • Clear Signature
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.